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Sunny September - new ventures and big celebrations!

Lynne Jobes

Well, it’s started not too bad and let’s face it - it can’t be any worse than August!

Alpaca Trekking in Scotland

September is a beautiful time of the year in the Kale Valley. And rather than the end of something it always signified the beginning of new things for me growing up - new school shoes, uniforms and bags.

Now I know I’m in Scotland now and we’ve done the new uniforms etc but for others the big day is approaching. That nervous excitement as first day of school comes around.

My youngest started school in P1 at Allan’s Primary in Stirling. It coincided with a job interview for me. So we both had to dress smartly and face a big day. Dropping him at school, another new to the area mum saw me crying, dressed smartly and thought like France this was how it was. Nope, I’m just a blubbering wreck watching my youngest on his next stage of life and then, because I like pressure, going to a job interview!

Anyway he had a blast, it was an amazing wee school, and I got the job. And scarily enough, it was 20 years ago! In a flash, two decades have gone by. Lots of life events have happened from senior school, college, university and more but always September is a month for big occasions.

And although I won’t be popular, my eldest turns the big 30! Now that’s scary.


So, whatever September holds for you, remember to enjoy the late summer sunshine, new shoes and of course new adventures.

Here at Beirhope we are turning our attention to new things too. We’ll keep you posted on our plans but it’s safe to say new, smart clothes, shoes and a bag will most definitely be needed! But never will the comfort of walking boots and a trek up a hill with alpacas be beaten.

September is a perfect month to experience a little piece of Beirhope magic. Delightful dark skies under canvas, our campsite has a phenomenal view.

September...let's go.

Dark skies above Beirhope Alpacas

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